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Meet Danicia

Hello, I'm Danicia Christensen. My background in classical voice and music education allows me a unique insight into how music works and why it makes you feel the way it does.

I specialize in helping women align with their divine purpose using somatic techniques such as belly dance, so that you can UNAPOLOGETICALLY live the life you were designed to live!

I used to feel constantly overwhelmed, frustrated, and dissatisfied with life.
But then I discovered a secret somatic modality that changed everything.

I was able to align with my higher self and God, and the path to connection to my family and success in my business started flowing in as I connected to my DIVINE FEMININITY.

• I became confident.

• I connected to my intuition, my highest self.

• I received clarity about my life purpose.

• I started consciously creating the life I DESIRED to live!

• I felt the certainty

I longed for about who I am and what I do!

And life became


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1120 S 850 W, Vernal UT 84078